A new way of writing Gtk+ applications

05 Feb 2017
Introducing Pyract - my weekend hack

I love working with Gtk+ - it is a great GUI toolkit with a good developer experience. But React has totally changed how GUI apps are written. Now it is all the rage to use more functional style programming:

Gtk3 counter app
The app *very complex*, see below

I've always wanted to see a combination of these two things, so this is my weekend hack. It is pyract, a python3 library that merges Gtk+, React and MobX into 1 boiling pot:

from gi.repository import Gtk
from pyract.view import run, Component, Node, load_css
from pyract.model import ObservableModel, ObservableValue, ModelField

# Let's create a model to back our application.  Since it is Observable, it
# will tell pyract to re-render our UI when it changes.
class AppModel(ObservableModel):
    # The ModelField tells the model to create us an ObservableValue and set
    # to 0.  ObservableValues lets us re-render the UI when the value changes.
    counter = ModelField(ObservableValue, 0)

    def increment(self):
        self.counter.value = self.counter.value + 1

# Components are similar to in React.
class AppComponent(Component):
    # Our render method can return a Node or list of Nodes.
    def render(self, model: AppModel):
        # Nodes are a type followed by kwargs.  When a component is
        # re-rendered, then the Node trees get diffed and only the changed
        # Nodes and properties are updated.
        # The type is either a Gtk.Widget or pyract.Component subclass.
        # "signal__" props are the same as connecting a GObject signal
        return Node(Gtk.Window, signal__destroy=Gtk.main_quit,
                    title='My Counter App',
            Node(Gtk.Box, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
                # The class_names prop adds the appropriate classes
                Node(Gtk.Label, class_names=['counter-label'],
                Node(Gtk.Button, label='Increment Counter',
                     class_names=['suggested-action', 'bottom-button'],
                     # Hide the button when the counter gets to ten
                     visible=model.counter.value < 10,
                # Add a reset button, but only show it when counter == 10
                Node(Gtk.Button, label='Reset',
                     class_names=['destructive-action', 'bottom-button'],
                     visible=model.counter.value >= 10,

    # Signal handlers are just like in normal Gtk+
    def _button_clicked_cb(self, button):
        # Access the props using self.props

    def _reset_clicked_cb(self, button):
        self.props['model'].counter.value = 0

# Adding CSS is really easy:
.counter-label {
    font-size: 100px;
    padding: 20px;
.bottom-button {
    margin: 10px;

# The run function works just like constructing a Node, but it enters
# the mainloop and runs the app!
run(AppComponent, model=AppModel())

Be sure to subscribe below so that you get updates on the pyract project. Or check it out on GitHub. And as always, feel free to email me feedback.